The goal of mock-jdbc is to provide a simple way of delivering data during testing through JDBC.
jdbc:mock:csv;path=<path to data files>
Each SQL query expects a file name with the hash of the query.
val21, val22,...
java -jar mock-jdbc.jar no.maddin.mockjdbc.DriverTool "select 1 from dual"
would generate 2a44ecfe.
I.e. the data for the query has to be in <path to data file>/2a44ecfe.csv
import javax.sql.*;
class MockJdbcTest {
private static final String dataDbDir = new File(MockJdbcTest.class.getResource("/mockdb").getFile()).getAbsolutePath();
public void showMockData() {
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mock:csv;path=" + dataDbDir);
PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement("select id, val from testTable");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery()
) {
while( {
assertThat(rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(2), is(equalTo("val")));
assertThat(rs.getMetaData().getColumnType(2), is(equalTo(columnType)));
Object val = getValue.getValue(rs);
assertThat(val, is(instanceOf(targetClass)));