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attcache - Variable in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem


checkAccess(Path, AccessMode...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
close() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.SardineChannel
close() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
Not implemented
compareTo(Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Compare to the other path.
copy(Path, Path, CopyOption...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
createDirectory(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
creationTime() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileAttributes


delete(Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
deleteIfExists(Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
The default implementation in FileSystemProvider will simply call delete() in deleteIfExists() and silently ignore any NoSuchFileException.


endsWith(String) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Ends with.
endsWith(Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Ends with.
equals(Object) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
Check if one filesystem is equal to another.
equals(Object) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Equals this


fileKey() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileAttributes


getAttcache() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
getCurrentWorkPath() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Gets the current work path.
getElements() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Gets the internal elements of this path
getFileAttributeView(Path, Class<V>, LinkOption...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
getFileName() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Gets the file name of the leaf in the path
getFileStore(Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
getFileStores() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
Not implemented
getFileSystem() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Returns the file system.
getFileSystem(URI) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
getHost() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
getName(int) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Returns the name at index in the path.
getNameCount() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Gets the name count.
getParent() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Gets the parent.
getPassword() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
getPath(String, String...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
getPath(URI) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
getPathMatcher(String) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
Not implemented
getPort() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
getRoot() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Gets the root path.
getRootDirectories() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
Not implemented
getSardine() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
getScheme() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
getScheme() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavsFileSystemProvider
getSeparator() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
getUserName() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
getUserPrincipalLookupService() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
Not implemented


hashCode() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem


isAbsolute() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Checks if is absolute.
isDirectory() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileAttributes
isHidden(Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
isOpen() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.SardineChannel
isOpen() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
Not implemented
isOther() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileAttributes
isReadOnly() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
Not implemented
isRegularFile() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileAttributes
isSameFile(Path, Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
isSymbolicLink() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileAttributes
iterator() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
return the name paths in an iterator


lastAccessTime() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileAttributes
lastModifiedTime() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileAttributes
log - Variable in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider


move(Path, Path, CopyOption...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider


newByteChannel(Path, Set<? extends OpenOption>, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
newDirectoryStream(Path, DirectoryStream.Filter<? super Path>) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
newFileSystem(URI, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
newWatchService() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
Not implemented
no.maddin.niofs.webdav - package no.maddin.niofs.webdav
normalize() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Normalized paths only - Search tag in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath


PATH_SEP - Variable in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
position() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.SardineChannel
position(long) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.SardineChannel
provider() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem


read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.SardineChannel
readAttributes(Path, Class<A>, LinkOption...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
readAttributes(Path, String, LinkOption...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
register(WatchService, WatchEvent.Kind<?>...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Register not supported
register(WatchService, WatchEvent.Kind<?>[], WatchEvent.Modifier...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Register not supported
relativize(Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Constructs a relative path between this path and a given path.
resolve(String) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Resolve the given path (string) against this path.
resolve(Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Resolve the given path against this path.
resolveSibling(String) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Resolve sibling.
resolveSibling(Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Resolve sibling.


SardineChannel - Class in no.maddin.niofs.webdav
A SeekableByteChannel based on Sardine.
SardineChannel(WebdavPath, Set<? extends OpenOption>) - Constructor for class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.SardineChannel
setAttcache(Cache<Path, WebdavFileAttributes>) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
setAttribute(Path, String, Object, LinkOption...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
setCurrentWorkPath(WebdavPath) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Sets the current work path.
setElements(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Sets the internal elements of this path
setIsabsolute(boolean) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Sets isabsolute.
size() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.SardineChannel
size() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileAttributes
startsWith(String) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Starts with.
startsWith(Path) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Starts with.
subpath(int, int) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Returns a relative Path that is a subsequence of the name elements of this path.
supportedFileAttributeViews() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
Not implemented


toAbsolutePath() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
To absolute path.
toFile() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
To file unsupported
toRealPath(LinkOption...) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
To real path unsupported
toString() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
Returns path as string
toUri() - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
To uri.
truncate(long) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.SardineChannel


WebdavFileAttributes - Class in no.maddin.niofs.webdav
File attributes for WebDAV.
WebdavFileAttributes(DavResource) - Constructor for class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileAttributes
WebdavFileSystem - Class in no.maddin.niofs.webdav
WebDAV implementation of a FileSystem.
WebdavFileSystem(WebdavFileSystemProvider, URI) - Constructor for class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystem
WebdavFileSystemProvider - Class in no.maddin.niofs.webdav
The WebDAV FileSystemProvider based on Sardine.
WebdavFileSystemProvider() - Constructor for class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavFileSystemProvider
WebdavPath - Class in no.maddin.niofs.webdav
Denotes a WebDAV Path.
WebdavPath(WebdavFileSystem, String) - Constructor for class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
WebdavPath(WebdavFileSystem, ArrayList<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
WebdavPath#toAbsolutePath() - Search tag in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavPath
WebdavsFileSystemProvider - Class in no.maddin.niofs.webdav
WebdavFileSystemProvider with SSL transport.
WebdavsFileSystemProvider() - Constructor for class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.WebdavsFileSystemProvider
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class no.maddin.niofs.webdav.SardineChannel
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